Drafter – Savannah, GA

Design or oversee projects involving provision of potable water, disposal of wastewater and sewage, or prevention of flood-related damage. Prepare environmental documentation for water resources, regulatory program compliance, data management and analysis, and field work. Perform hydraulic modeling and pipeline design.

Job Tasks
Conduct feasibility studies for the construction of facilities, such as water supply systems, run-off collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.

  • Research advanced engineering designs or applications.
Provide technical direction or supervision to junior engineers, engineering or computer-aided design (CAD) technicians, or other technical personnel.

  • Supervise engineering or other technical personnel.
  • Provide technical guidance to other personnel.
  • Recommend technical design or process changes to improve efficiency, quality, or performance.
Design pumping systems, pumping stations, pipelines, force mains, or sewers for the collection of wastewater.

  • Design industrial processing systems.
Design domestic or industrial water or wastewater treatment plants, including advanced facilities with sequencing batch reactors (SBR), membranes, lift stations, headworks, surge overflow basins, ultraviolet disinfection systems, aerobic digesters, sludge lagoons, or control buildings.

  • Design civil structures or systems.
Analyze storm water or floodplain drainage systems to control erosion, stabilize river banks, repair channel streams, or design bridges.

  • Analyze physical, survey, or geographic data.
Design water distribution systems for potable or nonpotable water.

  • Design industrial processing systems.
Design or select equipment for use in wastewater processing to ensure compliance with government standards.

  • Select tools, equipment, or technologies for use in operations or projects.
  • Design civil structures or systems.
Identify design alternatives for the development of new water resources.

  • Develop technical methods or processes.
Design water or wastewater lift stations, including water wells.

  • Design civil structures or systems.
Perform hydraulic analyses of water supply systems or water distribution networks to model flow characteristics, test for pressure losses, or to identify opportunities to mitigate risks and improve operational efficiency.

  • Analyze operational data to evaluate operations, processes or products.
Gather and analyze water use data to forecast water demand.

  • Research advanced engineering designs or applications.
Design water storage tanks or other water storage facilities.

  • Design structures or facilities.
Conduct cost-benefit analyses for the construction of water supply systems, run-off collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.

  • Analyze costs and benefits of proposed designs or projects.
Analyze and recommend chemical, biological, or other wastewater treatment methods to prepare water for industrial or domestic use.

  • Recommend technical design or process changes to improve efficiency, quality, or performance.
Review and critique proposals, plans, or designs related to water or wastewater treatment systems.

  • Evaluate designs or specifications to ensure quality.
Write technical reports or publications related to water resources development or water use efficiency.

  • Prepare technical or operational reports.
Design sludge treatment plants.

  • Design civil structures or systems.
Conduct water quality studies to identify and characterize water pollutant sources.

  • Investigate the environmental impact of projects.
Provide technical support on water resource or treatment issues to government agencies.

  • Advise others regarding green practices or environmental concerns.
Analyze and recommend sludge treatment or disposal methods.

  • Advise others regarding green practices or environmental concerns.
Design water run-off collection networks, water supply channels, or water supply system networks.

  • Design civil structures or systems.
Perform hydrological analyses, using three-dimensional simulation software, to model the movement of water or forecast the dispersion of chemical pollutants in the water supply.

  • Create models of engineering designs or methods.
Oversee the construction of decentralized or on-site wastewater treatment systems, including reclaimed water facilities.

  • Direct environmental development activities.
Develop plans for new water resources or water efficiency programs.

  • Prepare detailed work plans.
Analyze the efficiency of water delivery structures, such as dams, tainter gates, canals, pipes, penstocks, or cofferdams.

  • Analyze operational data to evaluate operations, processes or products.
Conduct environmental impact studies related to water and wastewater collection, treatment, or distribution.

  • Investigate the environmental impact of projects.
Perform mathematical modeling of underground or surface water resources, such as floodplains, ocean coastlines, streams, rivers, or wetlands.

  • Create models of engineering designs or methods.



job ID: 3296

Job & Company Detail

Company Industry

Architect Industry

Company Size

1 - 9 Employees



Job Category


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