5 tips to improve teamwork in 2021

It’s been almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic sent us home from the office. With employees working remotely, there are no longer the face-to-face interactions with colleagues and collaborations we were accustomed to. For many of us, it’s been an entirely new way of working. We suddenly, unexpectedly, had to figure out how to…

Should you take a new promotion when it is offered to you?

You’ve been working hard, and now your manager wants to reward you with a promotion. Great, huh? Well, maybe not. Your first reaction could be that this particular promotion could prove to be a mistake for you professionally — and maybe personally. At the same time, you’re wondering if turning it down will be a…

How to message potential employers/recruiters

Recruiters and hiring managers are the traditional gatekeepers of employers. You will likely want to reach out to them to submit your application, follow up or emphasize why you’re the perfect candidate for a specific position. Unfortunately, you may not always get a response. If you do, it may not be the one you want….

7 Tips for Keeping Your Construction Projects Going During COVID-19

The construction industry is currently facing a lot of changes that restrict the ways business is done efficiently. In many areas with shelter in place… By Brian Ward | April 20, 2020   The construction industry is currently facing a lot of changes that restrict the ways business is done efficiently. In many areas with shelter in place…

INSIGHT: Construction Industry Outlook—Post-Covid Legal Trends

Posted on June 30, 2020 by Donald Sonn By: Joanna Horsnail and Casey Williams https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/insight-construction-industry-outlook-post-covid-legal-trends June 30, 2020, 1:00 AM Covid-19 has necessitated a rethinking of safety, supply chain, and technology in the construction industry. Mayer Brown LLP attorneys look at five trends in construction projects in the wake of Covid-19, with suggestions for how attorneys…

5 Steps To Reopen Your Workplace, According To CDC’s Latest Guidance

  Article Link: https://www.fisherphillips.com/resources-alerts-5-steps-to-reopen-your-workplace-according       The Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC) just released guidance to assist employers in making decisions regarding reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides continuing to follow the recommendations issued by state and local health departments when determining the most appropriate actions to take, you should pay particular attention to these…

5 Tips on Preparing for a Client Presentation

Article Link: https://www.ringcentral.com/blog/tips-to-prepare-for-a-client-presentation/   While many of us conduct a large portion of our daily business using computers and phones, in-person presentations remain an important component to successful selling. It’s still essential for business owners to know how to prepare for face-to-face time with prospective clients. Here are five easy ways to ensure that you’re…

Top 5 Construction Trends Impacting the Industry in 2020

Article Link: https://lpcorp.com/blog/top-5-construction-trends-impacting-the-industry-in-2020 Each year, innovations and issues emerge that impact the construction industry, and this year is no exception. While it’s just the start of the new year, we’ve listed a few of our predictions for areas of focus and attention across the industry in the coming year. If you operate a construction or…

6 Tips To Work From Home Successfully During Lock Down

Article Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancamillercole/2020/03/16/6-tips-to-work-from-home-successfully-during-lock-down/#4c14844d8bd1 By: Bianca Miller Cole   I have been working from home since my first corporate job at Accenture in 2010 so I understand the expectations from a organisational and a personal perspective. But there are some of you out there who have never had to work from home and believe me, there…

Five Steps to a Successful Negotiation

By: Steve Bookbinder Typically, there are five general steps every negotiation process should have: Preparation and Planning Defining the Ground Rules Clarification and Justification Bargaining and Problem Solving Action and Implementation We will briefly expand upon each step and then provide three strategies you can leverage to enhance and personalize this process to your selling…